
Healthy Homes is a health-related project that we are managing in Monmouthshire.

The aim of this project is to maintain and improve people’s health by helping to make their homes warmer, drier, and more affordable to run.

This will be achieved by working with organisations with direct access to at-risk households, and also undertaking community outreach to try to identify people who we can help.

Ways that we are able to help include:img_6474

  • Assistance and advice on accessing grants for home improvements
  • Advice on how to access cheap and suitable energy deals – including supplier switching and accessing schemes such as the Warm Home Discount Scheme and the Priority Services Register.
  • Emergency heating system repairs
  • Maximising household income – by advising on and checking that households are in receipt of their entitled benefits.

For more information, please email or 0800 622 6110.